Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Six Pack Abs: Now the REST of the story

Perhaps among the most overlooked secrets of successful strength training is the subject of rest. If you want to take your weight training to a whole new level, you'll honor your body's need to heal and replenish.

When the body is given adequate amounts of rest, your body will be in the best position to heal properly. It typically takes a muscle at least 2 to 3 days to heal the micro tears that occur when strength training.

Also, your body needs time to rebuild it's glycogen stores to fuel your next workout. Although, this occurs much more quickly, it's a good idea to give your body the time it needs, because there are also other hormonal changes that benefit you in building and toning muscle.

When given proper rest, your body will respond by making more testosterone. If you're a woman, it will still not be enough to cause you to bulk up, but it will be in a greater amount than normal, which will help you acheive your goals of toning your body sooner. For guys, the testosterone advantage will be of a greater impact and will assist in creating noticeably larger muscles, especially when combined with other techniques.

Typically, most trainers recommend spliting your workouts between upper body and lower body, working your abdominals when you work your lower body or even every day. However, it has been found that a once per week, intense, full-body work out has the greatest muscle building effect. This is due to a greater release of testosterone during the rest period in response to such an intense workout.

So, based on how often you can work out, here are some recommended workout schedules. Adjust them to fit your lifestyle, these are guidelines to assist you in acheiving greater results in a quicker amount of time.

Full Body Workout
Be prepared to be nauseated, so work your abs and anything that has you on your belly or bending over first
Give yourself at least 4 days before doing this again, preferably an entire week, though.
Example: Perform a full body workout Sundays

Upper Body Workout
Give yourself 2-3 days before your next workout
Lower Body Workout
Again, give yourself 2-3 days before your next workout (4 to make it fit a weekly schedule)
Example: Perform an upper body work out on Mondays and a lower body workout on Thursdays

Upper Body Workout
Give yourself a full day off before your next workout
Lower Body Workout
Give yourself a full day off before your next workout
Upper Body Workout
Note: If you're lower body is weaker than your upper body, reverse them so that you're working out your lower body twice per week)
Example: Perform an upper body workout on Mondays, a lower body workout on
Wednesdays, and an upper body workout on Friday

Remember, REST is one of the best keys to building muscle fast.


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