Friday, November 20, 2009

Killer Abs: The Basics of Six Pack Abs

To get killer abs, you're going to have to do a lot of different things. None of it is very difficult, but it does require most, if not all of them, to acheive success. We'd all love to do one little 4 minute workout using one of those machines hawked on TV or the Internet.

Truth: That really ONLY works for those who are ALREADY fairly fit.

If you are sporting love handles, thunder thights, or a large gut, there's gonna be a lot more to getting where you want to go.

The good news?

You're in the right place to learn the truth.

To get great abs, you're going to have to use most, if not all, of the following elements.

1) Strength Training
2) Cardio Training
3) Nutrition
4) Stress Management
5) Self-love
6) Hormone optimization
7) Detoxification
8) Sleep

We'll spend a time exploring each of these elements in greater detail and how it ties into your plan to get killer abs.

Your abs can't simply be isolated and chiseled out, no matter what they tell you on the infomercials. Your body didn't form the way it is one area at a time. It didn't happen overnight. So, understand, we're going to have to build muscle and burn fat throughout the body to get those abs to show.

When your abs show, you're going to be amazed at where your health will be. Your energy levels will be much higher. Your outlook will be more positive. And you will look and feel years younger, if not decades.

You will, without a doubt, be pleased if you have what it takes to complete the steps necessary to build killer abs.

Remember to enjoy the journey. After all, health is a process, not a destination.


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