Friday, November 27, 2009

Six Pack Abs Myths: Why Everything They Tell You Is Wrong

If you are like us, you've bought countless magazines, videos, exercise machines, tools, pills, gadgets, and other items all in the quest to get to a nice set of abdominal muscles and get those six pack abs. Yet nothing seems to really work. Right?

Think about it.

What incentive do companies have to sell you something that will get you to your goal? What happens when you reach that goal? What would happen if you knew the truth? That's the 800-pound gorilla in the corner of the room that no one likes to talk about...

If you reach your goal of six pack abs?



End of story.

When you know this, you look at the world differently. You question all the junk that companies are hawking. You look for real answers to the problems facing everyone on a quest for the holy grail of great abs.

The truth is that there is way more to great abs than what they are telling you. Once you learn what you need to know, you'll be well on your way to the six-pack abs that you've always dreamed of.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Six Pack Abs: Now the REST of the story

Perhaps among the most overlooked secrets of successful strength training is the subject of rest. If you want to take your weight training to a whole new level, you'll honor your body's need to heal and replenish.

When the body is given adequate amounts of rest, your body will be in the best position to heal properly. It typically takes a muscle at least 2 to 3 days to heal the micro tears that occur when strength training.

Also, your body needs time to rebuild it's glycogen stores to fuel your next workout. Although, this occurs much more quickly, it's a good idea to give your body the time it needs, because there are also other hormonal changes that benefit you in building and toning muscle.

When given proper rest, your body will respond by making more testosterone. If you're a woman, it will still not be enough to cause you to bulk up, but it will be in a greater amount than normal, which will help you acheive your goals of toning your body sooner. For guys, the testosterone advantage will be of a greater impact and will assist in creating noticeably larger muscles, especially when combined with other techniques.

Typically, most trainers recommend spliting your workouts between upper body and lower body, working your abdominals when you work your lower body or even every day. However, it has been found that a once per week, intense, full-body work out has the greatest muscle building effect. This is due to a greater release of testosterone during the rest period in response to such an intense workout.

So, based on how often you can work out, here are some recommended workout schedules. Adjust them to fit your lifestyle, these are guidelines to assist you in acheiving greater results in a quicker amount of time.

Full Body Workout
Be prepared to be nauseated, so work your abs and anything that has you on your belly or bending over first
Give yourself at least 4 days before doing this again, preferably an entire week, though.
Example: Perform a full body workout Sundays

Upper Body Workout
Give yourself 2-3 days before your next workout
Lower Body Workout
Again, give yourself 2-3 days before your next workout (4 to make it fit a weekly schedule)
Example: Perform an upper body work out on Mondays and a lower body workout on Thursdays

Upper Body Workout
Give yourself a full day off before your next workout
Lower Body Workout
Give yourself a full day off before your next workout
Upper Body Workout
Note: If you're lower body is weaker than your upper body, reverse them so that you're working out your lower body twice per week)
Example: Perform an upper body workout on Mondays, a lower body workout on
Wednesdays, and an upper body workout on Friday

Remember, REST is one of the best keys to building muscle fast.

Monday, November 23, 2009

No time for Six Pack Abs? Killer abs take hardly any time

If you're like most people, you are pressed for time. Let's face it... The modern world moves at a pace that would make even a gerbil's head spin...

What if you could learn about some ideas that would take your training for six pack abs to a higher level and give you less reason to be at the gym for long periods of time.

You see, you don't need to spend hours at the gym each day to develop killer abs. If it took that amount of time... most anyone would give up in disgust.

Instead, it's better to spend only 1 (full body), 2 (split workout between upper and lower body) or 3 days (split workout favoring either your upper or lower body whichever is weaker) at the gym a week. When you do go, you should spend no more than about 30 minutes, if you follow the guidelines below. Sometimes, it only takes 15 minutes, other times, it can take 45 minutes. As long as you're doing everything you should be, in the right way, it really doesn't matter how long you're there.

So what can you learn about time at the gym? What's the key?

Well, it has everything to do with intensity.
Now, what I'm talking about is increasing the effectiveness of your strength training. We'll talk about cardio in future topics. For now, what I'm talking about is your weight lifting or resistance training.

So, what is it you need to be doing differently?

Truth: You should be doing HIGH-INTENSITY weight lifting

What does the average person do when they go to the gym? They pick a weight that they can do 3 sets of 10 lifts for each muscle isolation... Or they might do supersets... Or who knows...

So, the question is this. If you can lift a weight 30 times, what on Earth makes you think your body will respond by building muscle? How much muscle should you expect to add by doing that?

The answer?

Very little!

If you want to build your muscles, you must *DAMAGE* them. Can you do that with smaller weights? A little, maybe. So, what's the answer???

Find a weight that you can ONLY lift for 1 set between 6 to 10 repetitions.

That's it.

It's called working to muscle failure. It produces the most muscle, the fastest, when combined with proper rest.

That will do the micro-tear "damage" that you need to get your muscles to grow.

The key is to make sure you CANNOT lift another rep more at that weight. If you can, see if you can get to 12 or 13 reps.

When you can get successfully complete 12 or 13 reps of a particular lift, you're ready to add the next weight plate on during your next workout session. You will be surprised how quickly you'll move up to the next plate. It often only takes 3-4 workouts before you're ready to move up to another plate.

So, how can you find what weight to use in the first place? If you can easily lift a weight the first lift, set it back down and go up a plate until it's difficult.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Killer Abs: The Basics of Six Pack Abs

To get killer abs, you're going to have to do a lot of different things. None of it is very difficult, but it does require most, if not all of them, to acheive success. We'd all love to do one little 4 minute workout using one of those machines hawked on TV or the Internet.

Truth: That really ONLY works for those who are ALREADY fairly fit.

If you are sporting love handles, thunder thights, or a large gut, there's gonna be a lot more to getting where you want to go.

The good news?

You're in the right place to learn the truth.

To get great abs, you're going to have to use most, if not all, of the following elements.

1) Strength Training
2) Cardio Training
3) Nutrition
4) Stress Management
5) Self-love
6) Hormone optimization
7) Detoxification
8) Sleep

We'll spend a time exploring each of these elements in greater detail and how it ties into your plan to get killer abs.

Your abs can't simply be isolated and chiseled out, no matter what they tell you on the infomercials. Your body didn't form the way it is one area at a time. It didn't happen overnight. So, understand, we're going to have to build muscle and burn fat throughout the body to get those abs to show.

When your abs show, you're going to be amazed at where your health will be. Your energy levels will be much higher. Your outlook will be more positive. And you will look and feel years younger, if not decades.

You will, without a doubt, be pleased if you have what it takes to complete the steps necessary to build killer abs.

Remember to enjoy the journey. After all, health is a process, not a destination.

Truth About Six Pack Abs - a testimonial

Learn how to get six pack abs

We want to thank you for reading! We understand your quest for both Better Abs and better health. You can look forward to useful information, tips, tricks, and relevant information to help you along the way from Better Abs.

In future posts, we will cover things, such as:

  • Why everything they tell you is wrong
  • Ways to reduce your time in the gym while building killer abs
  • How to increase the effectiveness of your workouts
  • Myths that hamper your ab building efforts
  • Nutrition to help you acheive better abs
  • Building great abs beyond diet and exercise
  • Much, much more...

We're here to support your health and get you on your way to building a great set of abs!

Be sure to download your FREE report - Insider Secrets For A Lean Body at